To keep waterways and shores clean and free of Fishing tackle lost by fishermen. Bobbers, lures, flies, fishing lines, hooks, weights, and leaders were rescued from trees and shorelines.
To organize teams of people to engage in “Bobbler Gobblin’. Provide them with the information to be successful and have fun along the way.
Environmentally friendly activity. Great exercise. Enjoy nature’s natural beauty. Quiet time on the water. Collecting Bobbers & Lures. Have fun with a friend. Clearing waterways of tackle and trash. Meeting people and telling them about Bobber Gobblin’.
Meet The Founders

Being born and raised in Michigan, Dave and I fell in love with the water early on in life. He being a Cancer and me being a Pisces, we have spent a great deal of our lives on lakes, oceans and on boats. My first memory is at 6 months old floating on a raft at Caseville Michigan with my family and Dave’s first memory is with his family when he was young at Byron Lake.

We all have some connection to water since each one of us as humans, consists of around 72% water in our bodies! That would make it very easy for many of us to love the water, especially if we took swimming lessons and feel comfortable and safe.
If you are one of the people who might not like to get into the water, perhaps you just like to look at it; whether you are watching a sunrise or sunset or sitting on a beach listening to the waves as they lap onto the shore.
Let us together get back to our natural element (water) and keep our waterways cleaned up for future generations to enjoy, as we might become a Bobber Gobbler ourselves or just clean up our beaches, trails and lakes.