Double-check your equipment before leaving for the lake.
Take extra water.
Take a friend. It’s more fun with a friend.
Watch the weather. Be Safe.

Get your kayak licensed and know the rules of the lake / Park. Launch Permits are sometimes required.
Keep your kayak clean not to transfer critters from lake to lake.
Do name your Kayak. Ours is named EXTRACTOR because we extract Bobbers & Lures from the lakes.
Don’t be in a hurry. Take your time and enjoy the journey.
Don’t feed the wildlife. The ducks will relentlessly follow you around, and it’s DCNR no-no.
Don’t paddle as to interfere with the fisherman. Respect their space, and watch for their lines.
Don’t go alone and not let someone know where you’re going and the estimated time to return. Basic precautions of being on the water alone. It’s WAY better to go with a friend. Highly encouraged.