Add to the experience by using the language of the true Bobber Gobbler. Allow you and your friend to celebrate each find and enjoy all the aspects of the adventure. Log your journey and share with the world your first and most recent extravaganza with the world. Don’t ever strike an iceberg while you’re struggling for the words. The Posers won’t bring you down as long as you always keep your bearing.

The Kayak – Name your vessel; we named our EXTRACTOR. A two-person kayak is ideal.
The Bobber Gobbler / Extendable extractor tool – See videos here. (soon)
Iceberg / Stick protruding above the water line or one that presents a danger to the vessel.
Bobber Bonanza / A single location that yields (3) Bobbers, Lures & Flies
Bobber Extravaganza / Single location that yields (5)+ Bobbers. Lures & Flies.
Panorama / When searching, is temporarily paused to rotate the kayak 360 degrees for a view.

Port = Left.
Starboard = Right.
Bow = Front.
Stern = Back.
Bearing – Direction of travel
Steady – Keeping the kayak steady while in rescue mode.
You have the helm – One person letting the other person know they are not paddling.
Poser – something that looks like a bobber or lure but isn’t.
It isn’t working – When paddling is not keeping the vessel on bearing due to current or wind.
Fervor – Paddling strong to counteract the current and wind.
Hark! I hear the trickle of a babbling brook – Hearing someone going pee.
Davey Jones Locker – Lures and weights that fall into the water that are lost.
Locker Robber – A magnet on a rope to rescue tackle from Davey Jones Locker.
The Figurehead – Person in the front of the kayak.
The Ballast – The person in the back of the kayak that weighs more than the Figurehead.
Live Rescue – Rescuing a Bobber or Lure and giving it to the person who just lost it.

African Queen – Meaning you are in a bunch of bugs or mosquitos.
Chum – pieces of rubber or plastic lures and worms without hooks.
Resistance is futile – Perseverance in rescuing a stubborn bobber or lure.
Barnacles – Sand and dirt in your shoes. De-barnacle by cleaning them out.
Bye Bye Barge – Extra raft in tow to collect trash. Line it with a tarp to keep it clean.
Rat Nest – Significant snarl of fishing line and tackle caught up in a tree.